Our Current Covid-19 Status – Experienced jumpers, student progression and Tandem students and guests – VERY IMPORTANT READ FOR ALL – PLEASE TAKE THE TIME
There are and will be new updated information to follow when visiting Skydive Burnaby. Understandably, we know this may cause some inconveniences for you and we do apologize, however we must all do our part to protect each other. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
In the meantime we have put extra safety precautions in place for the safety of our staff and guests. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the new regulations advised from the provincial and federal government. If the COVID-19 Pandemic situation changes so will our precautions and updates will be made accordingly.
General Requirements
All staff, jumpers; including student progression, tandem students, and spectators will be required to wear a mask, buff or nose/mouth barrier at the facilities and in the aircraft. Please use common sense and respect others.
All jumpers will have to fill out a printable Health Questionnaire to be handed in when arriving at Skydive Burnaby. Questionnaires will be looked at and temperatures administered at a pre-screening station located outside of the main office before being able to enter any further onto the property. Staff and regulars will be required to fill out the Health Questionnaire and temperature taken each time they arrive at the dropzone. We will also provide blank copies for people who do not bring their questionnaires with them. All information will be kept confidential and will not be outsourced.
We ask that if you are ill or if you have been exposed to anyone who is ill, to avoid coming to the facility. You may come at a later time and/or reschedule your skydive.
Signage is posted limiting the number of people allowed in enclosed spaces at one time.
Surfaces in all buildings will be sanitized throughout the day and a detailed log will be present for all to see of the cleaning schedule. To include: the aircraft, washrooms, commonly touched spaces, including door handles, manifest office, and training areas.
Hand sanitizer will be placed in various locations throughout the facility. Wash hands often.
When possible use a clean paper towel to prevent direct contact with shared surfaces including sinks, toilets, door knobs, etc.
Maintain six feet distance at the loading area, around the manifest/main office, and elsewhere.
Manifest will have no more than two people inside at one time. Experienced jumpers and staff please use the manifest window for all interactions when possible.
To limit traffic in manifest, experienced jumpers may want to put money on their accounts before coming to the dropzone.
Regrettably at this time no fist-bumping, high-fiving, hugs or handshaking. ☹
Refuse interaction with anyone who appears ill. Notify management who will escort the person(s) off the dropzone.
Instructors – may refuse to jump with anyone who appears ill and advise management.
Avoid holding items held by others.
Tandem & AFF Student precautions:
Instructors must swab down the touch points of student harnesses using only a water damp (not wet) rag to lightly swab down tandem gear.
No bleach or any other product, including hand sanitizer, on or near tandem/student gear.
Tandem/AFF Instructors – use a full face helmet if possible, helmet or frap hat along with a facial covering of some sort and wash your hands prior to and after each customer interaction.
Jumpsuits will not be fitted for tandem students, we ask at this time to wear long comfortable pants and suitable clothing for cooler temperatures in freefall i.e. leggings, track pants, no shorts.
AFF students will be assigned a jumpsuit and helmet for the day and to be handed back in at the end of your jump day for cleaning.
Goggles will be provided to you by the dropzone to use on your skydive which will be cleaned and sanitized after every use. We will, however, have goggles for purchase if you wish to have your own.
We ask that students do their best to not touch any gear and allow the instructor to assist with fitting the gear and the removal of the gear. Please be patient with your instructor during the busy times while this is going on.
Students only, please leave all belongings in your vehicle or with someone who attended with you. If you came alone, your keys can be dropped off at the main office to be put in a secured drop box (hands free) and can be picked up after your jump.
Please only bring a minimum of spectators to watch you jump – there will be a sectioned area for spectators that will have a limited space. It’s advised at this time that no pets or small children accompany you for your jump.
Media packages and jump certificates will be mailed to the Tandem students and no longer given after the jump as per our usual during this time.
Aircraft Procedures
On your gear up and go call be ready and at the loading tent.
Face coverings are required in the plane and loading area at all times. Full face helmets with lenses are STRONGLY recommended.
Make sure your face covering is not a risk of migrating in freefall and obstructing your vision, especially with a closed face helmet.
Only speak in the airplane if absolutely necessary.
No amount of care or caution can assure your protection. Covid-19 pandemic is new to us all. We have followed the government’s precautions along with the Canadian Sport Parachute Association the best that we can to protect your health but make no guarantees or representations. You must take your own precautions. Nothing is more important to us at Skydive Burnaby than knowing our jumpers, family, and staff, trust that their safety is always our top priority. We can’t watch everyone, so it’s all our responsibilities to abide by these new procedures.
Keep in mind what we do and why we do it. We all love skydiving and what it gives us. In time we are optimistically hoping to return back to near normal. In the meantime we must take additional measures for everyone’s safety and comfort when visiting us.
We look forward to seeing you all soon,
The Skydive Burnaby Team